Teamworking and organisational culture is a big thing in business today…

team dysfunctions we fix with REAL team building activities

more than 5 team dysfunctions to be fixed

The real issues isn’t team building or organisational culture. The primary issue is that we need BETTER, and more effective leadership.

The leadership behavior in teams and organisations seems to be limited to positional-title role rather than a leadership mindset in the entire organisation.

At the end of the day it does come down to organisational Culture and team / relationships building along with Brain fitness, psychological capital and Static Reduction.

When Teamwork Isn’t Democratic, Everyone Benefits

New research in Psychological Science suggests that certain group compositions may lead to elevated levels of conflict and inefficiency.

PROBLEM: Though many believe that equality within a team is important, does this flat power structure really improve a group’s performance?

METHODOLOGY: Researchers led by Richard Ronay randomly assigned 138 undergraduate students to one of three experimental conditions — primed to feel high in power, low in power, and baseline or control.

They organized subjects into same-sex teams of three high-power participants and three low-power participants or groups with one high-power, one low-power, and one baseline participant.

They then measured the teams’ performance in a task that required group interdependence wherein each member was required to make words from 16 letters and then work as a group to combine the words into as many sentences as possible.

They also measured how the groups fared on a second task that did not require subjects to coordinate their efforts.

RESULTS: The groups with hierarchies were more productive than the teams with either all high-power or all low-power members. This hierarchy benefit was evident when group members were required to work on a task together, but not when they were working alone.

CONCLUSION: A built-in hierarchy helps a team work effectively on collaborative tasks.

IMPLICATION: When there are too many leaders or too few followers, group performance suffers as members jostle to take control. The authors say in a statement that a clear power structure and division of labor can reduce group conflicts and improve productivity.

SOURCE: The full study, “The Path to Glory Is Paved With Hierarchy: When Hierarchical Differentiation Increases Group Effectiveness,” is published in the journal Psychological Science.

By Hans Villarica


To transform your organisational PH, and tribe leadership skills contact Tony Dovale – 083-447-6300

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